How does LOGAN Protective Services help our community?
Watch the video below.

Meet Bart*
So many needs
LOGAN Protective Services received a call about a man named Bart*. Bart had been kicked out of his nephew’s house and was sleeping on his drug-addicted brother’s couch in the living room. This was in violation of his brother's lease.
LOGAN Protective Services helped him apply and get accepted to Trinity Tower which, without us, would have been an impossible process for a man who can’t read or write. He could not gather the necessary materials, or make and keep appointments. We also helped him become eligible for Indiana’s Bureau of Developmental Disability Services. We took him to see an eye doctor, a general practice physician, and a gastrointestinal doctor about his chronic liver problem. ​
LOGAN Protective Services also became a representative payee for Bart’s social security. We got him a phone and furniture, and we make sure all his bills are paid.
Bart now lives in comfort, safety, and his financial future is secure.
*Names have been changed to protect privacy

Meet Silvia*
Hungry no more
LOGAN Protective Services once had a client named Silvia* who said, “since I’ve known you, I haven’t gone hungry for one single day. I always have money at the end of the month.” She had a terrible problem for years with people exploiting her.
For example, before LOGAN became payees for her social security, she accepted collect calls from prisoners she didn’t know to the tune of hundreds of dollars a month. She bought many items she couldn’t afford from phone solicitors and was swarmed by debt collectors.
Managing money is very difficult for intellectually disabled and emotionally vulnerable people. Logan PSB is the only DD agency in the area that does not require a person to be in their residential services to get money management help.
Silvia no longer goes hungry and lives a comfortable, safe life.
*Names have been changed to protect privacy

Meet Kyle*
No longer alone
When Kyle’s mom had to go to a nursing home, he was left by himself in an apartment for the first time in his life. He was so frightened that he kept calling 911 saying he was having a heart attack. The hospital called Adult Protective Services, and they called us to help investigate. We used our emergency funds from the Newman Account to pay for food and his utilities until we were able to get him into emergency residential services through BDDS. Before those services came through, we got him to an eye doctor and a GP for the first time in more than a decade. We helped him take a bath for the first time in more than a year. We did his laundry, shopped for him, helped him with his dishes. But perhaps most important of all, we provided him with the emotional support he needed after the world he knew collapsed.
Kyle is no longer alone and his world is now back together.
*Names have been changed to protect privacy
Why Donate to LOGAN Protective Services?
Your donation will help clients with

Address situations in which people need a third party to manage some or all of their affairs.
We help people find their voice and we make that voice heard.
Information and Referals
Sometime, you just need to be pointed in the right direction.
Crisis Support Services

In abusive or neglectful situations or any type of crisis, Protective Services can step in.
Navigating Government Assistance
Everyone knows how confusing it is to apply for government assistance, now think about doing that with an intellectual or developmental disability.
Community Education
Helping the community understand the need for Protective Services and just how great that need actually is.